Certificate of Acceptance
Identify and describe the reason a certificate of acceptance is required.
Reason is one of:
The owner, or the owner’s predecessor in title, carried out building work for which a building consent was required, but a building consent was not obtained
A building consent could not practicably be obtained in advance because the building work had to be carried out urgently
The building consent authority that granted the building consent is unable or refuses to issue a code compliance certificate in relation to the building work, and no other building consent authority will agree to issue a code compliance certificate for the building work
Reason for urgency is available when the reason is that a building consent could not practicably be obtained in advance due to urgency and narrows down the urgency reason to be either of:
For the purpose of saving or protecting life or health or preventing serious damage to property as follows
In order to ensure that a specified system was maintained in a safe condition or made safe
Detailed explanation should capture the details for the reason for application when a consent was not applied for or when the reason was urgency.
Consent number and Issued by are available and required when the reason is that the authority is unable or refused to issue a code compliance certificate (CCC).
Have you had a pre-application meeting for this project with the authority? Select Yes to record key details of a pre-application meeting. Add any documents from the pre-application meeting to your application in the upload step of the application form.
Reference number is required. If you do not have it, select Do not have a reference number? and the system sets Reference number to Pre-application meeting reference not provided.
Date of the meeting displays a calendar for you to select a date or you can type the date in the format year-month-day.
Name of the staff member records one or more names of authority staff.
Are there previous consents associated with this project? Select Yes to record details of other consents.
Consent number is the full number provided on the original building consent, such as BCN/2023/555 or BCN1123. Building consent number format is set by the issuing authority.
Issued by is the name of the authority that issued the previous consent, such as Central Hawke's Bay District Council.
Other comments is available to provide any other information relevant to the previous consent, to help the authority to process your application.